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One final analysis remains to be done on the 'interesting' assemblies. The results of the Apart-Code determinations saved in the 'AF Format' files are summarized. Assemblies with the same Apart-Code are grouped together. If the only difference between the two Apart-Codes of the assemblies is an '*' in one or more of the moves, they are still grouped together. During the summarization process, it was noted how many holes each assembly has, and whether the solution was unique.

The resulting summary consists of one line for each different Apart-Code. The line consists of the Apart-Code, the number of assemblies with this Apart-Code, and the number of unique assemblies with this Apart-Code. In addition, an example assembly in LL Format is included. The assembly that appears in the line was chosen with the following rules:

  1. Choose a unique assembly, where possible
  2. Choose the one with the fewest holes

Table 8 contains the results of this analysis.

The fields appearing in the summary are as follows:

Apart-Code - a '#' instead of a '*' means that some assemblies with this apart-code have alternate solutions at this point, and others do not
Cnt - number of assemblies with this Apart-Code
Uni - number of unique assemblies with this Apart-Code
PM - total pieces moved (some analysts of 6-piece burrs use this number as a level of difficulty)
LL Format - example of assembly with this Apart-Code
L,H,Lvs,Ltyp,Asm,Sol,St - information about assembly chosen - see AF format above.

previous: Uniqueness and Disassembly next: Anything Else?
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